About Us
A rich history and a love affair with appliances.
Born in 1969, Spartan Electrical was opened for the first time by founder Peter Tsoutouras. Peter, still at the helm today, started the business out of an enduring love of emerging technologies in appliances. Initially, Peter sold refrigerators. By cleverly following the ice-block delivery truck, Peter took notes of the addresses of homes using ice-blocks instead of fridges and saw this as an opportunity to introduce the modern fridge to these potential customers.
Fast forward to today and several generations laster, the same families that received a knock on the door from Peter are still happy Spartan customers.
Spartan is still proudly a South Australian family owned business. With Peter himself still working 7 days a week, it's a family affair with his daughter Athena, her husband Andrew, nephew Con and sons Con & Chris working in the family business.
It's not rare to see Peter's grandchildren Edie, Leo, Lulu, Will, Rafferty, Charlie or Tom bounding through our stores, darting between appliance displays. It's also not rare to come in and experience some delicious smells with delicious foods being cooked in our display kitchens. Food, like appliances, is a big passion of ours and creating delicious results using the technologies and functions of the appliances we sell is what we love to do.
As Spartan is a family business, we treat you, our customers, as family. We also ensure that we're only selling the brands and appliances that we'd want in our own homes.